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/ / Drama, action, thriller / Not Available

LÔI BÁO Movie Poster

Tóm tắt

  The story begins when Tam (Cuong Seven) - a cartoonist living happily with his family - discovered only two weeks to live. With the help of Sir Ma (Hoang Son), a strange surgery makes Tam find his life. Since then, Tam suddenly became healthy as a super hero, but his relationship with his wife (Nha Phuong) is more complex than ever before the appearance of Tue (Vu Ngoc Anh) - the girl mysterious flicker in memory of mind. And the most horrible thing happened when all the actions of Mind were the black power of Mr. Dao (Chanh Tin) and Luc (Quach Ngoc Ngoan) attention. LÔI BÁO will be released from Dec 22, 2017 at Lotte Cinema.  

Giới Thiệu Phim

Giám đốc: Victor Vũ
Phân vai: Cường Seven, Nhã Phương, Bé Pù
Ngày Phát Hành:  22, December 2017

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