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Yumi's Cell: The Movie

NA / Korean / / 94 MIns


In pursuit of her dream of becoming a writer, Yumi quits her job to focus on preparing for a novel contest. From the Schedule Cell meticulously planning her writing schedule to the Writer Cell tirelessly seeking inspiration and the Cheapskate Cell tightening the purse strings, every cell works diligently to support Yumi in her aspirations. Yet, as worries about the future begin to mount, Anxiety Cell looms larger, casting a shadow over Yumi`s determination. Even the Love Cell, once sweet and hopeful, turns bitter and skeptical as her relationship with Babi hits rough patches. With conflicts among the cells intensifying, the Cell Village finds itself confronting a crisis unlike any it has faced before.

Movie Trailer

Director: Kim Da-Hee
Cast: Yoon Ah-Young, Shin Beom-Sik, Song Ha-Rim, Ahn So-Yi
Release Date:  13, June 2024

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