War For The Planet Of The Apes (2017)

PG / English / Action / Drama / Science Fiction / NA

War For The Planet Of The Apes Movie Poster
(363 Reviews)


In War for the Planet of the Apes, the third chapter of the critically acclaimed blockbuster franchise, Caesar and his apes are forced into a deadly conflict with an army of humans led by a ruthless Colonel. After the apes suffer unimaginable losses, Caesar wrestles with his darker instincts and begins his own mythic quest to avenge his kind. As the journey finally brings them face to face, Caesar and the Colonel are pitted against each other in an epic battle that will determine the fate of both their species and the future of the planet.

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War For The Planet Of The Apes Reviews

Jason Oh
12 July 2017
Hwee-Ping Goh
Overall: 5
Way to spoil it for those who haven't watched.

Hwee-Ping Goh
12 July 2017
A moving ending to the trilogy
Overall: 5
"War For The Planet Of The Apes" is both about Caesar's internal battle with his darker instincts and the war between humans and the apes. Sadly, Caesar passed on into legend after being mortally wounded and ensuring that his fellow apes arrived at their Promised Land.

Dylan Heng
14 July 2017
Great fantastic movie
Overall: 5
The whole movie gives you mix feelings like will caeser die here or will he not or will he even die in this movie. Even if you have never watched the other shows, i still recommend this show to everyone. Great great movie

Celine Ang
22 July 2017
Awesome and entertaining
Overall: 5
It is entertaining from start till the end. Enjoyed the movie very much.

Angie Lim
20 July 2017
Overall: 5
almost teared up. :') nice movie!

Bloods Tay
14 July 2017
Overall: 5
Very good

Jayden Tan
5 August 2017
amazing movie
Overall: 5
one of the best movie series I have ever see. you should watch all the series of planet apes

Esther Lim
7 July 2017
A sequel to the earlier movie..
Overall: 5
I'd rate it a perfect score.

Wei Yang Moo
20 July 2017
Overall: 5
Watch it!

Xie TingTing
28 July 2017
Good movie, recommended
Overall: 5
Watched this movie last night, cry for 3 times. Apes together, we are strong! Human beings always blame the others for not being the at the highest position of living things, the apes are too poor to just wanna find a place to live happily. The ending is so sad, anyway, good movie last for 2 hours and 20 mins.

Hannah Wye
11 March 2018
Worth to see
Overall: 5
While the animals have the character and act like human, killing same species... so you know how they killed, how they survived and how sad this was. It reflected human what we’d done for the past thousand years

14 August 2017
Overall: 5
Watched the very first movie : rise of the planet of the apes & until this . The sequel is well written & animation is 10/10 as well . Wouldn't mind watching it again .

Cedric Khua
26 August 2017
Great Movie to Watch! Definitely worth the time!
Overall: 5
This movie has a great plot and it’s a refresher for the other common Movies! Definitely recommend this movie!

13 August 2017
Great movie!
Overall: 5
From the first movie till now it was awesome!!

Victor Ong
16 July 2017
Overall: 5
Monkey see monkey do monkey boooooo

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