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The Imaginary

PG / Japanese / / 1 Hour 48 Minutes


In a world where imaginations can live, Rudger, an Imaginary boy, can be seen by no one but his creator, a young girl named Amanda. Their shared existence is confined to the attic of Amanda`s residence, where they delve into her vibrant imagination. However, Imaginaries are subject to an inexorable fate: dissolution with human forgetfulness. Baffled by this eventuality, Rudger clings to a glimmer of hope, embarking on an inconspicuous odyssey after Mr. Bunting, who hunts and eats Imaginaries, arrives at Amanda`s doorstep. His journey leads him to the enclave referred to as the town of Imaginaries, a sanctuary for forgotten Imaginaries.

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Director: Yoshiyuki Momose
Cast: Kokoro Terada, Riisa Naka, Sakura Ando, Rio Suzuki
Release Date:  6 October, 2024

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