Serpent (2017)

NC16 / English / Thriller / 85 min

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(2 Reviews)


A romantic escape into nature turns into the ultimate moment of reckoning when a husband and wife are trapped in a tent with a deadly snake. Unable to escape and with certain death looming, the tent becomes a heated confessional to a cataclysmic truth. Betrayed, the couple finds themselves spiraling into a dark and dangerous space of which only one can survive.

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News & Reviews

Serpent Reviews

Dare to watch
7 December 2017
Not draggy
Overall: 4
Wounded character, faithful, emotional struggles and hatred of the married couple is fueled by what’s happened in the tent. Lookout for one of the world’s most venomous and aggressive snakes, the Black Mamba.

John Huang
7 December 2017
Overall: 3

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