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PG13 / Hindi / Thriller / 150 mins


Satyagraha reflects the uprising of the middle class against a corrupt and unjust system that leaves them no recourse but to form a spontaneous movement to challenge the status quo. It is the story of a dynamic and ambitious young man who is poised to take the elevator of corporate success when a personal tragedy exposes him to the shocking consequences of corruption in the country. Joining hands with an idealistic old man, he ignites a people's protest that soon escalates into a massive movement with a national resonance, battling politicians determined to crush and discredit him. However, when people's raw and unbridled anger is unleashed, the unintended penalty could be horrifying by itself.

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Director: Prakash Jha
Cast: Amitabh Bachchan, Ajay Devgn, Kareena Kapoor, Arjun Rampal, Manoj Bajpai, Amrita Rao
Release Date:  30, August 2013

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