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Zoom To Cineleisure Orchard For Your Personalized Fast & Furious 8 Trailer

Popcorn - News - 03 Apr 2017

Get the nitrous pumping with Vin Diesel and co. at Cineleisure from 31 March 2017 onwards. It's your one chance to star in a real-life Hollywood trailer alongside the hugely popular stars of Fast And Furious 8. Film your very own fast stunt with some hair-raising action and be forever immortalized in your very own personalized trailer. Trust us, it's quite an experience and makes for a good laugh! 


Right where the magic happens. So gather the troops and get racing! The event will be on from 31 March onwards at Cathay Cineleisure Orchard B1; the operating hours are as follows:*12.00 pm - 10.00 pm (Mon-Thur and Sun)*12.00 pm - 12.00 am (Fri and Sat)