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Who's The Little Girl In Brand New Images From Jurassic World 2?

Popcorn - News - 10 Mar 2017

It's not scheduled to appear on our screens till mid-2018 but 2 new images have just been revealed from Jurassic World 2 with recurring leads Chris Pratt and Bryce Howard Dallas. The first above was tweeted by Jurassic World 2 director J. A. Bayona. It shows a little girl in what appears to be a museum with the skeletal remains of our favourite prehistoric creatures. Who's the little red-haired girl? A young Claire or maybe the offspring of Owen and Claire or maybe just an extra on set? 

jw2-1Lead actress Bryce Dallas Howard also posted a photo of what seems like a set photo of possibly the same girl in the first photo and she said this little belongs to her. In what sense? Who is, this mysterious girl? We'll just have to stay tuned to find out.