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'Overlord' Early Reactions: 'Call Of Duty' Meets Nazi Zombies Is Tons Of Bloody Fun!

nicholas - Feature - 16 Oct 2018

If there's one man in Hollywood you can bank on these days, it's J.J. Abrams. You only have to look towards his work in Star TrekStar Wars and Mission: Impossible

Although he rarely misses the mark (The Cloverfield Paradox, anyone?), his newly-produced WWII zombie feature Overlord, which he describes as "bats**t crazy," will be something of a gamble - it'll be his first full-fledged horror movie.

Should you be worried? If the reaction from its premiere at Fantastic Fest last month is any indication, all we have to say is: "Was there ever any doubt?"


What Do The Critics Say?

Overlord Ratings


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Top 10 Popular Zombie Movies Average Ratings (RT + MTC + IMDB):

1. Train to Busan - 81

2. Zombieland - 80

3. 28 Days Later - 79

4. Overlord - 75

5. 28 Weeks Later - 73

6. Dawn of the Dead - 69

7. I Am Legend - 69

8. World War Z - 66

9. Quarantine - 57

10. Resident Evil - 45


See It Or Skip It?

Up for some good ol' gory scares this Halloween season? Overlord delivers a bloodcurdling helping of exactly what you're looking for.

Refreshing, gruesome and intense, horror fans will be excited for this one. And despite not actually being based on a known property, comparisons have been made to the popular series Wolfenstein, which will also surely please some avid gamers. 

As part of the inaugural Scream Asia Film Festival 2018, you can catch an early screening of Overlord, some two weeks before it's wide release.

Photocredit @ Paramount Pictures

Overlord opens in cinemas on 8 November 2018. 

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