Last Letter (2018)

PG / Mandarin / Drama / Romance / 114 min

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(5 Reviews)


Attending the reunion in lieu of her late elder sister, Zhihua accidentally runs into Yin Chuan, on whom she had a crush in her youth. As old memories are evoked Zhihua slowly uncovers the intricate story of the trio.

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Last Letter Reviews

Crystal Wang Jin
12 October 2020

Story: 4 | Acting: 4 | Visual: 5 | Music: 5 | Overall: 5

Dare to watch
29 November 2018
Melancholy but hopeful.

Story: 4 | Acting: 4 | Visual: 4 | Music: 4 | Overall: 4

The beautiful letters. The composer whose score embraced the action. If Love Letter had been a story about the innocence of young love, then this one is about loss and regret in one's adult years. Lovers of unrequited love, rejoice.

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