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R21 / Hungarian / / 108 Mins


Adam lives in isolation from society because of his serious stuttering. He works as a shepherd in Borsod, in one of the poorest but most beautiful regions of Hungary. One day he realises his stuttering stops when he starts rapping in rage. With his wild style and painfully honest lyrics, he becomes a sensation on YouTube (performing under the name Larry) and goes on to win a national online talent show with a song he wrote about his powerful, police officer father`s unforgivable sins. He makes it to the finals of the competition but finds he is unable to rap in front of people. To live up to his popular, online, alter ego, Adam has to battle his inner demons and face the strange authority of his father.

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Director: Szilárd Bernáth
Cast: Benett Vilmányi, Szabolcs Thuróczy, Anna Szandtner, László Onofer
Release Date:  25, May 2024

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