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Kikoriki: Déjà Vu

PG / English / Animation / 85 min


The movie Kikoriki: Déjà Vu is adapted based on the popular Russian animation series KikoRiki! The vibrant world of KikoRiki is a place full of fun adventures, real-life situations & timeless valuable life lessons!
Movie is great for kids age 6 - 12 years old!

The restless Krash is the heroofKikoriki. Deja Vu. Krashhas decided to organize an unforgettable birthday for Barry, and contacts the Deja Vuagency, which promises their clients incredible voyages through time. Butwhen Krash’scarelessness leaves the Kikoriki group scattered across time, he has to find and retrieve his friends from different periods of history with the help of his future self, the older and grumpier Shark, who appears because of the space-time continuum.

Movie Trailer

Director: Denis Chernov
Cast: George Bailey, William Hackett-Jones, Marc Thompson, Mike Pollock, Wayne Grayson, Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld
Release Date:  03, November 2018

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