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Graves Without A Name

NA / French / Documentary / 115 min


Graves Without a Name is an intimate look into the private life of Cambodia’s most celebrated auteur, as he calibrates his own position in the wake of a national trauma. Director Rithy Panh attempts to locate the graves of family members and friends who perished in work camps during the Khmer Rouge regime of late-1970s Cambodia. Seeking to give them proper burials, he scours the countryside on the advice of spiritual leaders.

Picking up where his Oscar-nominated, Un Certain Regard-winning documentary The Missing Picture left off, Panh continues his exploration of people coping with the aftermath of genocide through the balm of religion. Panh’s unflinching film provides an insight into the darkest chapter of a nation, and the tenacity of its people.

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Director: Rithy Panh
Cast: NA
Release Date:  07, December 2018

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