Girl (2018)

R21 / French / Drama / 106 min

Girl Movie Poster
(7 Reviews)


Lara is a 15-year-old girl, born in the body of a boy, who dreams of becoming a ballerina.

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Girl Reviews

Dare to watch
12 January 2019
Powerful, poignant,Touching

Story: 4 | Acting: 4 | Visual: 4 | Music: 4 | Overall: 4

Belgian dancer Victor Polster delivers a breathtaking, star-making performance that dominates the screen. Like a dance of despair. The film manages to film with respect. With enlivening performances and thoughtful filmmaking.

27 March 2019
Emotionally devastating yet reassuringly empathetic.

Story: 4 | Acting: 4 | Visual: 4 | Music: 4 | Overall: 4

Victor Polster is brilliant as the graceful and beautiful Lana. Beautifully narrated and visually impressive, shocking even at some point. A film about Lara, a transgender woman, with a carefully presented informational side of medical and psychological detail. The film’s emotional climax, at which a dysphoric and depressed Lara injures her genitals with scissors, is both harrowing and a touch confounding.

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