(French 2017) Alone (2017)

PG13 / English / Drama / 98 min

(French 2017) Alone Movie Poster
(5 Reviews)


Sixteen year old Leïla wakes up in an empty city. Where are her parents? Where has everyone gone? Thinking she must be the sole survivor of a mysterious catastrophe, Leïla wanders the strangely deserted streets of Fortville and eventually meets four other teenagers.
Together they join forces and attempt to survive in a desolate and increasingly hostile world. But are they really alone?

Movie Trailer

(French 2017) Alone Reviews

David Lee
12 December 2017
Overall: 5

Dare to watch
8 December 2017

Story: 4 | Acting: 4 | Visual: 4 | Music: 4 | Overall: 4

John Huang
7 December 2017
Overall: 3

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