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A Sunny Day

NC16 / Burmese / / 150 Mins


A poignant musical journey that delves into Myanmar`s quest for freedom and democracy. Through a compelling narrative and vibrant performances, it captures the resilience and spirit of the Myanmar people amidst political turmoil. The production is structured into four acts; depicting pre-coup Myanmar and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi`s house arrest, and ending with by celebrating activism and hope for a unified, equitable society. The musical stands as a testament to the human spirit and a tribute to those who have sacrificed for freedom. It aims to raise awareness and support for the people of Myanmar.

Movie Trailer

Director: Mehm Thet Win
Cast: May Wynn-Maung, Zayanda, Thun Than Sin, Nyein Chan Maung
Release Date:  27, July 2024

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