A Land Imagined Movie Poster

A Land Imagined

NC16 / Mandarin / Mystery / 95 min

Director Yeo Siew Hua 
Cast Peter Yu, Luna Kwok, Liu Xiaoyi, Jack Tan 
Release Date 21 February 2019


Kent Chan
21 February 2019
Peter Yu is da man!
Saw this at the gala invited by friend and found the film to be quite a piece of work. Comeback king Peter Yu stole the show imho. The man has the chops and still looks great. And the film kept me at the edge of my seat with it's plot. More people should go and watch this

Eternality Tan
21 February 2019
A side of Singapore that you don't see - go experience it on the big screen!
Yeo manages to find a beguiling balance between social realism and the hallucinatory in this promising Locarno Golden Leopard winner.

Dare to watch
21 February 2019
Singapore noir
Serpentine plot line and understated political commentary. An intriguing urban noir that unfolds much like a dream. Hideho Urata presentation of the reclaimed land, which looks much like a dystopia, is also impressive, as it is realistic. Mounds of aggregate and cement loom up like pyramids in the dusky night air.

Teddy Rufus
23 February 2019
Great comeback
Very touching and interesting storyline. Great acting and preformance from Peter Yu and definitely an international star.

03 March 2019
A complicated non-linear storyline.
An intriguing urban noir that unfolds much like a dream. Hideho Urata presented a number of impressive images, both in the dark and in the neon-lit internet cafe. Lyrical slow-motion musical interludes enhance the dreamlike ambience. The site’s endless mountains of sand, framed like looming burial sites, emanate an impression of human disposability.

Viknesh Kobinathan
23 February 2019
One of the best SG films ever!
Caught this film at a preview screening and I was completely blown away by it! Yeo Siew Hua is a filmmaker to watch out for! Please support this local film!

27 February 2019
Must watch
Beautifully shot, great acting! Story was intriguing. Saw sides of Singapore in a different light. Would watch again!

Roy Tan
03 March 2019
If I could I'd give this movie 0 stars
Rubbish movie, it's shouldn't even be screening in the theatres. How is this show even awarded?????

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