A Few Good Men (2018)

PG / English / Drama / 138 min

A Few Good Men Movie Poster
(3 Reviews)


One of Aaron Sorkin's most iconic stories and screenplays to date, A Few Good Men is well past cult status and broaching meme territory and if you disagree then well, 'YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!'
A riveting courtroom drama surrounding the wrongful death of a soldier as a result of negligence from the military's top brass, Demi Moore, Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson deliver nail-biting performances of a lifetime in this multiple-nominated classic.

Movie Trailer

A Few Good Men Reviews

Thomas Gan
4 February 2018
A must see
Overall: 5
Once of the best from Tom Cruise, Kevin Bacon and especially, Jack Nicholson. Can never forget the movie quote 'You can't handle the truth!'.

Dare to watch
1 February 2018
Overall: 4

John Huang
3 February 2018
Overall: 3

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