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54 (1998)

M18 / English / Drama / Music / 93 min

54 (1998)  Movie Poster


The Director's Cut! And we've wrapped our hands around it! It is generally accepted that the version of 54, the movie about the LEGENDARY club Studio 54 was a tepid, meandering bit of trash. But that's mostly because it was destroyed, edited, with reshot scenes at the behest of Miramax - Yes, Harvey Weinstein is a trash human being, a sexual predator and a destroyer of films. And it was also long rumoured that there existed a director's cut, a kind of lost gay cinema classic. And it does exist, and it was first screened at the prestigious Berlin Film Festival in 2015. And we have it, to screen in Singapore for the first time. See 54 as it was intended, gritty, dark, sexy, queer, and yeah, no continuity problems.

Movie Trailer

Director: Mark Christopher
Cast: Ryan Phillippe, Salma Hayek, Neve Campbell
Release Date:  28, September 2018

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