We Made A Beautiful Bouquet (2023)

Classification / Japanese / / 124 Mins

We Made A Beautiful Bouquet Movie Poster
(6 Reviews)


Missing the last train of the day on Tokyo`s Keio Line at Meidaimae Station, college student Mugi Yamane (Masaki Suda) encounters Kinu Hachiya (Kasumi Arimura). Finding they have near identical tastes in music and movies, the couple quickly hit it off and embark on a romance that has them moving in together when they graduated from college. They work temp jobs as they interview for full-time employment. They pick up a stray cat. Even as the iconic Shibuya Parco store closes and the mainstay TV show, SMAP×SMAP, airs its last show, Mugi and Kinu seek a status quo. They are inseparable and spend "the best 5 years ever!" hoping they`ll always be together. The many seasons they spend together will rekindle your memories of a halcyon time when the world was full of love.

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