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Jailangkung: Datang Gendong Pulang Bopong

P13 / Indonesian / Horror / 86 min


When Ferdi (Lukman Sardi), a widower with three daughters, fell mysteriously ill without any medical explanation. His daughters—Angel (Hannah Al-Rashid), Bella (Amanda Rawles), and Tasya (Gabriella Quinlynn) —along with a colleague, Rama (Jefri Nichol), seek answers for the father’s malady to the family’s residence in Alas keramat, a remote place by the lake. There, the party finds an obscure ‘Jailangkung’ that opens a darkest secret in the past and now it haunts their lives.

Movie Trailer

Director: Jose Poernomo, Rizal Mantovani
Cast: Jefri Nichol, Amanda Rawles, Hannah Al Rashid, Lukman Sardi, Wulan Guritno, Gabriella Quinlyn
Release Date:  10, August 2017

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