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P13 / Malay / Horror / Thriller / 86 min


The story begins when ERIN, a nurse has committed suicide! Meanwhile, AMIRA is haunted by Erin’s ghost. Amira feels relieved when he meets FARID, the doctor in the hospital. Apparently, DAHLIA has a relationship with Farid and it causes her to get mad.
Amira confronts Dahlia when she found Erin’s and Farid’s photo. Dahlia admits she has affairs with Erin’s fiancé which is Farid. Dahlia goes crazy and tries to kill Amira. She also killed Erin by pushing her down the balcony and accuses her of committing suicide.
Amira tries to save herself but when she opens her eyes, she realizes she is now on a patient’s bed while Dahlia injects her with a sedative.

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Cast: Fatin Afeefa, Shima Anuar, Nina Iskandar, Fizz Fairuz
Release Date:  13, April 2017

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