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U / English / Malay / Drama / Historical / 1 Hour 56 Minutes


Based on Joseph Conrad`s 1895 novel Almayer`s Folly, this epic film tells the story of Kaspar Almayer (X-Men Origins: Wolverine actor Peter O`Brien), a English trader struggling to survive in Malaysia at the turn of the 19th Century. His dream of finding a mythical gold mountain is challenged by his scheming wife, the colonial authorities, the political machinations of the local chief and Arab traders, and his daughter`s (Diana Danielle) love for a freedom-fighting Malay prince, Dain Maroola (Adi Putra).

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Director: U-Wei Haji Shaari
Cast: Diana Danielle, Sofea Jane, Ady Putra, Bront Palarae, Sabri Yunus, Alex Komang, Khalid Salleh, Peter O'Brien
Release Date:  24, November 2016

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