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Habibie And Ainun 3

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Habibie And Ainun 3 Movie Poster


Ainun (Maudy Ayunda), as a teenager at her age, has a unique love story. When he was in Ainun High School, he was known as a smart figure who became an idol at his school and became the target of many male students, including Habibie. Their relationship starts with friendship. In Ainun college, a medical student, became a popular figure in the campus environment. Ahmad (Jefri Nichols), who came from a distinguished family, was a man who dared to express his love for Ainun. Then what made BJ Habibie become the last port of Ainun's love journey. This story was inspired by the late Hasri Ainun Besari Habibie's youth and BJ Habibie's memories of his soul mate.

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Director: Hanung Bramantyo
Cast: Maudy Ayunda, Aghniny Haque, Rebecca Klopper, Jennifer Coppen
Release Date:  26, December 2019

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