Cold Pursuit (2019)

18 / English / Action / Drama / Thriller / 119 min

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(78 Reviews)


A snowplow driver seeks revenge against the drug dealers he thinks killed his son. Based on the 2014 Norwegian film 'In Order of Disappearance'.

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Cold Pursuit Reviews

Leonard Lim WK
6 March 2019

Story: 5 | Acting: 5 | Visual: 5 | Music: 4 | Overall: 5

Cold and really cold but warm humor in it So much of Liam to explore in this film and never a dull moment

Wong Kok Chueng
1 March 2019
Might not the cup of tea for every movie kaki

Story: 3 | Acting: 3 | Visual: 3 | Music: 3 | Overall: 3

"The strongest dad" is coming again. This action film is adapted from a Norwegian film "In Order Of Disappearance" in 2014, which tells the snow-sweeper driver played by Liam Neeson that he has to find out the reason of his son been killed and and step on the road of destroy the whole drug trafficking gangs. . . "The strongest dad" revenge for his family and killing non-stop with violentl process, although not the first one, but this time, the film wrapped the entire revenge process with black humor, and did not focus too much on the bullets and bloody violence. Different from the typical Hollywood revenge action movie. Invincible Die hard man lost his heroic gestures in the past, perhaps disappointing fans who liked "the strongest dad" too much. The sinful deserved people were annihilated is expected , but those was really ridiculous to suffer from no reason were give a surprise.The character design is rich and interesting, and the background of the bad guys is different. On the whole, the film is creative and with a lot of laughing points, but the work that is so different from the popcorn movie style might not the cup of tea for every movie kaki for what they likes to look forward to.

2 March 2019

Story: 1 | Acting: 1 | Visual: 1 | Music: 1 | Overall: 1

It's quite a nice movie

Kiki Tee
2 March 2019

Story: 1 | Acting: 1 | Visual: 1 | Music: 1 | Overall: 1

Good good good good good

T'hanaraj Jaindren
5 March 2019
In for a thrilling ride
Overall: 0
Been a while since I was surprised on how good a random movie could be. And this one is full of surprises. Good ones! Pace is on point and story is good, considering it's a remake. Whether you love Neeson or not, the 18plus-ness will definitely keep you going.

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