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Abang Adik

Classification / Malay, Mandarin, Cantonese / / 115 Mins


Abang (older brother) and Adik (younger brother) are native Malaysians but have been living without ID cards. They are stranded at Pudu, which has an ancient wet market. They cannot enjoy the rights and welfare of ordinary citizens, nor can they apply for passports and bank accounts. Abang, the older brother, was born mute and his only goal in life is to work hard and seek a stable life. Adik, on the other hand, is unwilling to resign to his fate and is involved in selling fake IDs, aiming to make fast money and move out with Abang. A kind and enthusiastic social worker named Jia En tries her best to help the brothers apply for legal identity cards. However, a fatal accident happens and once again places Abang and Adik in dire straits.

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Director: Lay Jin Ong
Cast: Serene Lim, Jack Tan, Kang Ren Wu
Release Date:  14, December 2023

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