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Doremi & you

/ / Drama / 0minutes


Four friends: Putri, Anisa, Imung, and Markus, try to change the money from the extracurricular choir that they accidentally omitted, by participating in the Doremi and You singing competition. The struggle of the four friends to win the competition is difficult when Reno, the choir assistant coach who is expected to become their coach, turns out to be their toughest rival in the competition.

Movie Trailer

Director: BW Purbanegara
Cast: Adlya Rafa Naura Ayu, Devano Danendra, Nashwa Zahira, Fatih Unru, Toran Waibro
Tanggal Release:  30, November -0001

Showtimes & Tickets

  Mulai Terisi
  Hampir Habis

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